Wanna help?

Thank you for your interest in helping with my campaign.

First, lets talk about my actual needs.

I need 1,000 signatures.

If you live in Indiana House District 24.

Population centers include all of Westfield, Sheridan, and eastern Carmel.

I’ll come to you please email me at tuckerforindiana@gmail.com


Download, print, fill out this CAN 19 form

If you fill the page I’ll bring an official sticker.

Now lets talk about wants.

I would love some of your time.

I want to meet as many people in the district as possible and document my journey to get elected to public office in Indiana.

If you would like to be a part of this documentary please read through this link.

Even if it’s only virtual,

I want to earn you vote,

Not buy it.

Thank you for your interest in my campaign.

Tell your friends,
