An existential crossroads

It’s become painfully obvious that Indiana is not the place for me.

As much as a place can it is not representative or even remotely indicative of me.

I’ve done everything I can think of to try and be a voice and a leader for the Indiana I’d like to leave for my daughters.

My state resents me

I have marched.

I have spoke up against hate and inequalities of all varieties.

I willed myself onto voting machines twice.

I have punched up and have always lent a hand up and during my pursuits.

The town that I moved to has developed into a city that lost any charm it once had, and no style whatsoever.

This state continues to push all those hard right values that do not make life better for me, my wife, my daughters, and my students.

My profession is still under attack

Is my continued fight for public education worth continuing in a climate such as this?

It’s become equally obvious that public education is well past a tipping point.

Blissfully aware of how great I have it, but totally ready to pack up and pick out a new path for me, my wife, and my daughters. But where? We are all still looking for that place that feels better than what we have created here on PR.

Money doesn’t drive me

Staying here only makes cents. But does that make sense?

Cents has luckily never played a major role of any of my adult decisions.

I didn’t have any as a kid.

I’ve never really made any as a teacher. So why should I let it begin to drive me in any direction as an adult?

Sadly, I could never afford to buy my house again. Even worse for what I’m paying I’m priced out of moving anywhere anyone would really “want” to live. As we have zigged zaged our way around these 50 states I keep waiting for that moment. That area that feels like home. Luckily, as long as Missy and the girls are near me everywhere feels like home. But, in a non Hallmarky type of way I still can’t help but ponder,

What are we willing to put with with as Americans?

What has happened to our “leaders”?

If not me, who?

Who should I look to as a voice for education and common sense?

Around my table at home. From my desk as a teacher. I feel the weight of our shared future at steak : ^ ) ~

Is standardized education what’s best for our kids?

Not to mention my own?

Is caring about politics even worth it in Indiana?

Why does our part time legislator dictate so much of my life as a full time teacher?

How is it that those same group of people that do not represent me get to tell me what, when, and where I get to do, say, feel, love, and live?

Legislating what is allowed in my bedroom, doctors office, most of your yards. Freedom and safety will always be best as an illusion. I think it is grossly obvious that through any lens you see the true indigenous people of Indiana. Be they Potawatomi, Iroquois, Delaware, Shawnee, Quaker, Trapper, Jesuit, LDS, WASP, Afrikaan, Whigs, Bull Moose, et. al. Whatever they had in mind it surely wasn’t this.

Is this progress?

My town continues to balloon into a poorly designed city.

We continue to put business interest ahead of human interest.

The Republican super majority is still killing all of US as slowly as they can.

Our states are beginning to feel like disconnected countries. Different laws, different morals. All still Withholding those socalled unalienable rights granted to US all those years ago.

I guess I should begin to search for an international solution to my,

99 problems

95 theses

79 grievances

fo sho

Why stay?

Where to go?

What to do?


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